Wednesday, 7. February 2007

Missed the day...

Yeah, I already missed two of my duty Tuesdays. Somehow I need some alarm or anything.

This week nothing really happened.
I was at school on Saturday, because we had an extra math lesson. Another is still to come. I also received an email the day before yesterday, it says that my Italian course at polycollege will not take place because only two persons were assigned so far.

I also worked on my school's (Not polycollege but Studierwerkstatt) homepage. I've worked on the CMS, which I before wrote myself. I needed to patch some bugs up and to implement some new features. I was sunk so deep in the work, that I actually worked a whole night through.

Today, my room will be cleared of some monitors and PCs.

I forgot to mention that students in easter Austria now have Spring-break. Means a school free week.

so long,

Thursday, 1. February 2007

Compulsory military service

Didn't quite make it to the duty-Tuesday, but here we go anyway.

Today I went on an adventure. Really. In my school ... or community-flat ... or whatever, we got a PC. In fact its my PC but my brother and I got new ones so we kind of gave that on away. Anyway, it (of course) needed an OS, so my brother came along with the idea of installing Linux on it. I agreed. Mainly because some you can't mess around with Linux if you're not root.
"In the field" we found out that it was a bad idea, because nobody could handle Linux. My brother got other things to do, don't really want to spent my time on Linux and we were the only boys (which, unfortunately, meant no other human beings were - in any kind - interested in handling a operating system.
So I thought my good old friend Windows might help out, to give us Users some more opportunities to mess around with our OS. Thought wrong <-> wrong thought. Anyway, the PC resisted the temptation to install WinXP from my DVD. So I came back with a Win98 CD. He liked that one more, but wasn't convinced yet. I had to brutally kill the HDD (not physically though). Then it took years to format the stupid HDD and in the end, he wouldn't take my WinXP DVD anyways. So I'll come back with a WinXP tomorrow. I'll get him, if its the last thing I'll do!

Coming back to what happened this week:
1.) we had some "Information Evening" at "school", where I (and some colleges) talked about whats like to be in that school, how exams are and why we chose that way. Funny, in some ways...
2.) I helped my father with his work. Ate sausage at a sausage stand together with my dad and a college of him. In fact, I can't remember the last time eating at a sausage stand... Crazy...
3.) I was over at my aunt's and uncle's place, to look after my cousin while the two were at the cinema. Walked in and he (cousin) greets me having a huuuuge (3cm) cut on his forehead. Came out he ran into a timber set, no idea why. He said it was an accident.

Guess that was it. To end it all up. I found - again - IRC is quit interesting. Check out irc://quakenet/Studierwerkstatt :)

so long,

Tuesday, 23. January 2007

Made it...

Thats it. Its official I'm ok at math!
I got my marks today, which come down to a three written and a two oral. So I got a two on the whole!

And I also checked when my Stellung (you're getting checked out by some old military guys) will be. 23.08.2007. Yeah, I've got time...

Now I'll get down to work again. Have tons to do!

so long,


Happy Examday everybody!

I've got about two hours, before I need to go to my school.
I'm sooooo bored! I watched some TV, but nothing interesting on.

Good god, I hope I get this right. If I get a positive mark on the oral, I'm out of it. I said last week that I'll at least get a four on the written part. I guess it will be a three on written and some kind of two to four on oral. So it will come out as a three...

BTW: all time classic talking about alternative music: Blur. Coffee & TV :) I've seen so much, I'm going blind. And I'm brain dead virtually... I reckon that would fit me ^^

so long,
My name in text...

Tuesday, 16. January 2007

Written exam

So I actually was over at my exam taking school and did my written math exam. Really a feeling that almost makes you fly. Like being in love... No, serious now, it was kind of cool. Relaxed atmosphere. Really nice for being an exam if I think about it.

By the way, I think i was quite okay. I guess it will come down to a three. But you never know. I also talked to the guy how "supervised" us. He checked my formular collection before I was allowed to start. It was my second written exam so no big deal, because even if you get dumbed, it doesn't matter because the following oral exam has mor weight in the mark. So if you got 5 written and 3 to 1 oral, you're fine! (I think it's a crazy system, but who cares?).

It's fun to see that at the time where you run totally out of time, everybody wants to meet you or go see a movie with you, or invites you to work for him. I can't believe it... But in a week all this will be over (for 2 months - then will be my next exam).

I'm trying to watch movies only in english, but as I'm watching Austrian Television most of the time, this is hardly possible. I found (on a link to a page full of free (and also not high quality) movies. That does not mean the movies are bad, but that the movie-window is some 500 * 250 Pix in size. If you don't care and also enjoy english original versions, here you go.

Next duty-day will be Tuesday the 23th of January, at least will see you there, if not earlier...

so long,
thethird -> reassigned to this blog

Tuesday will be back...

After being inactive for while, I'll be back.
I don't know for how long, but I chose Tuesday for my new blogday.
Only writing something when something happened - didn't work in the end. So I'll try to find some words every week. What moves me or Austria or the world. I guess it will all come down to a "this is how I see the world" blog. Well, better than nothing :)

I also would like to include more stuff like pictures and other documents, only problem is I don't got anything :)
So will also check back on that.

See you,

Monday, 18. September 2006

I did it...

I passed my me exam (YEAHHHA!)
I got a 3, so not even that bad...
My questions:
- Instrumentalensembles in der Kammermusik
- Carmina Burana

Other things happening: nope.
My life is some kind of "flat" these days.
But on 26th of September school is starting again (with english lessons, it's gonna be great).

I finished reading to book "Fräulein Else" which is kind of wicked but I think ok to read. Next book in line is "Geschichten aus dem Wienerwald" by Ödön von Horváth.

My "little" sister now is in a grammar school. I think she's fine with the crowd, but some teachers are... ähhm... weird.

I' gonna leave Vienna today, and go with fh to "their" lake.
I hope we get some sunshine, I'm definitly going swimming.
We really need to do some math homework. I, for my part, did nothing, which is quite less...

I also played around with some mods for Half Life².
Some are good ("Weekdayworrier", "Plan of Attack") but most of them are a huge amount of bullshit ("Golden Eye: Source", "Troy: DT"). But the best one is "Garry's Mod 9" which is a sandbox tool for Half Life² where you can create nearly everything existing in the actuall game.

this was it,
i quit,
so long,
the nerd,

Friday, 1. September 2006


I know I've become a bit lazy these days, but I'm not really into it right now...

I'm stuck in the me book and the "scriptum" I have...
While lerning I kind of switch between:
"Oh yes, this is no problem at all, too easy..."
"Fucking hell. I'll never make it..."
This is not good. But right now I'm in the first phase, so no problem.

The weather (and yes, i giot nothing better to write about) is somehow ok. The sun is shining but it's not too warm (not too cold neither... kind of nerdy).

Last night my brother left his computer running. As a fact, his computer is right next to the head of my bed. So to my head while I'm sleeping. AND IT'S SO GODDAMN LOUD! I couldn't fall asleep for like an hour... And then, i woke up about three times during the night! ARGH! *head-against-the-keyboard*

so long,
the third

Thursday, 24. August 2006

They stole him...

These astronomical asses stole a goddamn planet from us.
I can't believe it.
They actually came together to define the former planet Pluto as a planetion or "dwarf planet"! °_° (Wtf is that a name for a huge ball of stone and frozen water???).

read more on wikipedia...

No way,
I'm out...
The Third


Whisky is a bad thing...

thinking about dogs and frogs

The maybe a bit obscure world of a 17-years old...


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Missed the day...
Yeah, I already missed two of my duty Tuesdays. Somehow...
DerDritte - 7. Feb, 10:52
I hope...
I hope you’ll find appropriate words!
Alex (guest) - 7. Feb, 05:22
I guess so. But I am a student. What do you want? ;) Apart...
DerDritte - 1. Feb, 21:29



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