Monday, 18. September 2006

I did it...

I passed my me exam (YEAHHHA!)
I got a 3, so not even that bad...
My questions:
- Instrumentalensembles in der Kammermusik
- Carmina Burana

Other things happening: nope.
My life is some kind of "flat" these days.
But on 26th of September school is starting again (with english lessons, it's gonna be great).

I finished reading to book "Fräulein Else" which is kind of wicked but I think ok to read. Next book in line is "Geschichten aus dem Wienerwald" by Ödön von Horváth.

My "little" sister now is in a grammar school. I think she's fine with the crowd, but some teachers are... ähhm... weird.

I' gonna leave Vienna today, and go with fh to "their" lake.
I hope we get some sunshine, I'm definitly going swimming.
We really need to do some math homework. I, for my part, did nothing, which is quite less...

I also played around with some mods for Half Life².
Some are good ("Weekdayworrier", "Plan of Attack") but most of them are a huge amount of bullshit ("Golden Eye: Source", "Troy: DT"). But the best one is "Garry's Mod 9" which is a sandbox tool for Half Life² where you can create nearly everything existing in the actuall game.

this was it,
i quit,
so long,
the nerd,

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thinking about dogs and frogs

The maybe a bit obscure world of a 17-years old...


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Missed the day...
Yeah, I already missed two of my duty Tuesdays. Somehow...
DerDritte - 7. Feb, 10:52
I hope...
I hope you’ll find appropriate words!
Alex (guest) - 7. Feb, 05:22
I guess so. But I am a student. What do you want? ;) Apart...
DerDritte - 1. Feb, 21:29



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