Sunday, 9. July 2006


I'm a shame and I know it.
I got an iPod on Thursday.
It sure is white and a 30 GB Video :).
So I converted S.W.A.T. and SW III to fit the format for it (mp4).
Some of my music is also on it, but this iTunes shit is not as good as i thought it would be.
I also got Half Life². Including CS:S.
I'm zocking while my brother's not downloading the whole world.
Beside getting an iPod nothing is happening.
Is kind of boring and too hot again...
I guess I should finish my book but somehow I'm also too lazy to read.
So I write ;)

"I don't know what to do with myself..."
Yes, whatever, I'm playing around with my iPod now.

so long,
the third

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FH - 11. Jul, 15:00

Too hot

hey dude man it's hot, really hot, damn it's hot. so ähhh yes that's all.I just wanna write anything. ah yes because of your "kind of boring" I think we have enough to read and write you know (math,english,itali,some german and english books) damn a lot of homework ;) sooo good bye.

thinking about dogs and frogs

The maybe a bit obscure world of a 17-years old...


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Missed the day...
Yeah, I already missed two of my duty Tuesdays. Somehow...
DerDritte - 7. Feb, 10:52
I hope...
I hope you’ll find appropriate words!
Alex (guest) - 7. Feb, 05:22
I guess so. But I am a student. What do you want? ;) Apart...
DerDritte - 1. Feb, 21:29



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