Sunday, 21. May 2006

I did my time...


I passed my chemistry exam (yeah, got a 3), and I'm quite happy with it. I was at home for four days (I also didn't go to school) and lernd like mad, and then he asked me about:
- Polykondensationskunststoffe and
- Erklären sie die Eigenschaften von Salzen anhand ihrer Struktur
-_-° Dude, I was shocked... But I somehow did well (this man is really fussy).

That was Thursday the 18th of May and from Friday until Sunday after that, I was at my Grandma's house in Carinthia (again). Do some housework (you know, garden and stuff)...
I now I'm back, and have got italian class tomorrow (guess what, I didn't learn ^^).

Ah, artep (trackback ^^) sorry I missed english class three times.
I should sink in bare ground :,(
Whatever see you all tomorrow artep you at last on Tuesday :)

so long,
this freak
The CookieTaker (insider)

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FH - 27. May, 20:23




DerDritte - 27. May, 21:00

What the fuck was that supposed to mean?
FH - 27. May, 21:22


is a secret!
DerDritte - 27. May, 21:43

Tell or die :)
FH - 27. May, 22:27

äh :(

Oh angry perl ( I think it`s a little bit unhealthy to die).So tell me, how I die when I don`t tell you the secret?

DerDritte - 27. May, 23:23

It's simple, I'm gonna hire an italian manager who will hire an russian boxer who will beat the shit out of some "Rapidler" who will then crawl up to you and they will drown in footballs.

Is that clear?

so long,
FH - 28. May, 11:24

No nothing is clear!Are you ok ?
DerDritte - 28. May, 11:47

Sure :)

So what about the secret?
FH - 28. May, 12:01


What secret?
DerDritte - 28. May, 12:06

dude, your ****** trampling all over my nerves.
If it's something like you got your network going (finally) or whatever, I don't wanna know. And stop spamming my my weblog! ARGH! I hate layout breaking entries! AHHHH! *akmok*

ok, make a sense making comment or leave me alone, thanks.
so long,
FH - 28. May, 12:27


After a long hard fight (with the damn computer) it happens. My network is going :). I`m soo happy, maybe I will do my italy homework( because i`m soo happy(but only maybe) :)

Another thing did you see the damn football game? Damn dude I was a kind of angry after this damn game!!!!

And about spamming. you should be happy that anyone spamm anything in your damn blog ggggg :)
DerDritte - 28. May, 12:33

Better no commenter at all than that kind of... ^^
And let us discuss the game tomorrow (lame)...

so long...
FH - 28. May, 12:41


Good I will remember that ! ahh before I forgot, are you finish with "woizeck"?
DerDritte - 28. May, 16:50

Yes I finished "Woyzeck" and "Krambambuli".
I started reading "Bahnwärter Thiel" cool opening :)

so long,

Yes, I will bring them along :)
FH - 28. May, 17:14



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Missed the day...
Yeah, I already missed two of my duty Tuesdays. Somehow...
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