Saturday, 15. April 2006


I suppose it's correct ("esternests").

Yes, I'm moving out again.
Carinthia, this time by car and with all the other Members of my familiy (thundreds of thousands).
Whatever. We'll be seeking for our easternests which will be full with sweets :) Great.

I somehow finished my first work on my very own CMS.
If you want to login, use the link at the bottom, right side.
User: Gast, password: gast
To manage the sites show at the Mainpage.
To manage Users. (Which you are not allowed to do :) ).
For nuking the database, use this Link - if you know the username and pw of database - what you don't :)

Joah, next step is implementing an image manage system. But need to check some things before...
If you have the strong demand to tell me that this is shit and I should go home and learn programming, please leave me alone :)
This is first trying, and I don't want it to be perfect (hmmm... ^^) I just want it to work - thanks.

Ok, I'll be - äh - come back in some time...

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FH - 18. Apr, 12:58


hi you

I'm back.

artep - 21. Apr, 09:39

I'm sorry for not commenting, but I've been quite busy recently, so I didn't really take the time to read in your weblog. (You might also have noticed that I didn't even contribute to our AHS weblog, - I think I really should be ashamed of this) But I guess I've got the same problem as you ( without hardly anyone looking into it or commenting - apart from you and MIchi- it's not really that much fun.
At the moment I'm trying to brush up our weblog with links to DEad poets society. THis is quite hard work, because nobody seems to have written notes on it, but I'm trying to find something. By the way, I've also come across the printed version of the screenplay. So, if your book has not yet arrived you can read this:) I put the link into the weblog.

I hope you also found all your easternests and you came back with loads of sweets.
See you

thinking about dogs and frogs

The maybe a bit obscure world of a 17-years old...


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Missed the day...
Yeah, I already missed two of my duty Tuesdays. Somehow...
DerDritte - 7. Feb, 10:52
I hope...
I hope you’ll find appropriate words!
Alex (guest) - 7. Feb, 05:22
I guess so. But I am a student. What do you want? ;) Apart...
DerDritte - 1. Feb, 21:29



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