First to go, last to know
Right know I'm listening to "Imagine" and thinking about Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo and Dick Cheney who shot a guy he was huntig with. Kind of sad that I also think about Dick Cheney, but nevermind that.
Found a little jewel at Dr. Web.
It's called "Textorizer" and makes out of an input of a picture and some (or one) words a new "picture" (well approximately, it's a xml(svg)-file, you have to screenshoot yourself :) ). Try it out yourself: An example is already given, so you can have a look.
I also (just had to) tried it myself:

This image and the words: soulflyer, soul, blog, shad and markus were used.
Nice toy if you aks me :)
[edit: sorry, you may have some browser-problems :( ]
The today's headline - if you asked - is taken out of the movie Full Metal Jacket. I'm already thinking about why I took it, right now, no idea... °_°
You can expect some other entries in the next week or two :)
I got many things to write about, like the question if this here really is english practise...
so long,
your dearest,
theThrid (who never was that corny)
Found a little jewel at Dr. Web.
It's called "Textorizer" and makes out of an input of a picture and some (or one) words a new "picture" (well approximately, it's a xml(svg)-file, you have to screenshoot yourself :) ). Try it out yourself: An example is already given, so you can have a look.
I also (just had to) tried it myself:

This image and the words: soulflyer, soul, blog, shad and markus were used.
Nice toy if you aks me :)
[edit: sorry, you may have some browser-problems :( ]
The today's headline - if you asked - is taken out of the movie Full Metal Jacket. I'm already thinking about why I took it, right now, no idea... °_°
You can expect some other entries in the next week or two :)
I got many things to write about, like the question if this here really is english practise...
so long,
your dearest,
theThrid (who never was that corny)
DerDritte - 15. Feb, 23:46
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