Wednesday, 23. August 2006

20 days later...

Yessss, it's me again.

I finally returned to the net and to my weblog.
I was off until Sunday the 13th and since then I've been up and running...
I worked on my content management system a bit and wrote a guestbook using php and a MySQL-database.
I'm quite happy that it works now, you can check it out on my test page at

I also started to learn for my next exam (which then will be "musical education"). I've been told the book I lend is ok, but I think it's written in a horrible way - although I'm quite happy to have it.

Execpt of writing in my english weblog from time to time, I think I did no homework at all (because I think reading books for school doesn't count).

I also fucked up driving to fh's house on a lake, I've no idea why I screwd to get there because it sure was (is?) extremly nice on the lake under the trees (right, this is my fantasy).

Now; some pictures form our trip through Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, France and Germany.

Vaduz is the capital of Lichtenstein. In my opinion not very nice city...
The drawing code of Vaduz

Our 10 years old car. You gotta love it :)

Our beds in Munich. Munich was very nice. Cool underground, nice attractions and much green in and around the city.
Our beds in Munich

A mysterious orange box my mother gave me.
I want you to think about what it contains and post your guess in the comments.
Mysterious orange box

We on our way back home... (german Autobahn)
From Munich to Vienna

Like 20 minutes after the picture above, but driving 0 km/h (that's also 0 m/h ;) ). We were stuck in a traffic jam, because some stupid drivers watched traces of an accident on the second lane.
On the way back home

Some pictures may follow when I got them all off the damn SD cards...

so long,
kindly yours,
the third

And you will post comments
/me is waving his hand like a Jedi to influence you

thinking about dogs and frogs

The maybe a bit obscure world of a 17-years old...


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Last update: 7. Feb, 10:52

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Missed the day...
Yeah, I already missed two of my duty Tuesdays. Somehow...
DerDritte - 7. Feb, 10:52
I hope...
I hope you’ll find appropriate words!
Alex (guest) - 7. Feb, 05:22
I guess so. But I am a student. What do you want? ;) Apart...
DerDritte - 1. Feb, 21:29



random image

;) Smilie

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