Thursday, 3. August 2006


Okay guys.
I'll be off for some days.
I think until someday next week.
I'm going to celebrate my birthday in Carinthia, all together with my a big part of my family. And then I'm going to drive with my dad through Austria, Germany and Switzerland for a week or something.
This is gonna be soooo cool.
And to not to be bored I'll habe some books, my iPod and my dad with me ^^

But this also means I'm not here for the next seven or ten days...
Never mind that, because in the long run, nobody's reading this anyway :O)

Goodbye Internet, see you,
so long,
keep it real,

thinking about dogs and frogs

The maybe a bit obscure world of a 17-years old...


Online for 6977 days
Last update: 7. Feb, 10:52

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Missed the day...
Yeah, I already missed two of my duty Tuesdays. Somehow...
DerDritte - 7. Feb, 10:52
I hope...
I hope you’ll find appropriate words!
Alex (guest) - 7. Feb, 05:22
I guess so. But I am a student. What do you want? ;) Apart...
DerDritte - 1. Feb, 21:29



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That's the famouse Dacing Pill!

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