Wednesday, 19. July 2006

The Telekom Man

Yes, I'll get faster internet.
iNode xDSL ~3000kbit/s if you want to know.
And yes, the Telekom Man should lay the wire today (it's called: "Entbündelter Anschluss").
And he actually came in time, but noticed the theres a wire to be laied and the he can't do that alone.
So he called his boss who said new date, now it's Monday the 24th...
I was pissed, I tell you...
So I got back to my room to play some "shoot-the-head-off"-games over the internet. And received that: "Kicked by Console: Ping too high Fucker!" ;(

I fucking hate that.
So I read in my book... great.
Education in summer break. This is so unnatural...

Whatever, I'm now goning to lay on my bed and cry.
Have fun.

so long,
the third

thinking about dogs and frogs

The maybe a bit obscure world of a 17-years old...


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Missed the day...
Yeah, I already missed two of my duty Tuesdays. Somehow...
DerDritte - 7. Feb, 10:52
I hope...
I hope you’ll find appropriate words!
Alex (guest) - 7. Feb, 05:22
I guess so. But I am a student. What do you want? ;) Apart...
DerDritte - 1. Feb, 21:29



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