Wednesday, 5. July 2006

I'm nuts...

I now am kind of really freaking out.
I recived ~ 600 € from my dad for helping him in his firm.
I mean I worked Saturday and Sunday and including everthing about 51 hours, but this is still nuts.
I of course don't want to complain.
This is buying me some new records ("The Raconteurs"? "Dirty Pretty Things"? "Ärzte"?) or DVDs.

Tomorrow will be the last day working for my dad, then I'll sit a house + cat and after that, omfg, I've got no idea... yes, I'll do some exercises for italien class (aka. summerhomework).

I'll try the get all Covers for the albums in my Media Libary (I downloaded Windows Media Player 11 beta - no big deal, download final).

I'm still reading "Fürsorgliche Belagerung" by Heinrich Böll. It sucks because I'm too lazy to read faster and want to read High Fidelity by Nick Hornby. Or any other thing... Whatever...

so long,

thinking about dogs and frogs

The maybe a bit obscure world of a 17-years old...


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Missed the day...
Yeah, I already missed two of my duty Tuesdays. Somehow...
DerDritte - 7. Feb, 10:52
I hope...
I hope you’ll find appropriate words!
Alex (guest) - 7. Feb, 05:22
I guess so. But I am a student. What do you want? ;) Apart...
DerDritte - 1. Feb, 21:29



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;) Smilie

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